Tickets for ND's performance of The Canterbury Tales, a Monty Python interpretation of Chaucer's literary classic, are on sale now! Join our hardworking cast and crew on November 12, 13 & 14 for a laugh! Visit to buy your tickets.
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Canterbury Tales
Volleyball District CHAMPS! 💙🏐 Congrats to our volleyball team who went on to win their Class 3 Sectional game finishing the season Top 8 in State!
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Volleyball Districts
Happy Foundation Day to the School Sisters of Notre Dame! Today, we celebrate the mission and charism that was founded 188 years ago by Blessed Theresa of Gerhardinger. ND is grateful for the SSND and their devotion to their congregation as well as our school — special thanks to the sisters that teach us every day!
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Foundation Day
On Friday, as a school community, we gathered for Mass to express gratitude for the founding of the School Sisters of Notre Dame congregation and their Foundress, Blessed Theresa of Gerhardinger. It was wonderful to have several SSNDs join us for the celebration and bless our students. As is the Foundation Day tradition, cake was enjoyed at lunch!
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
SSND blessing
Plan to visit ND's annual Blood Drive, sponsored by our National Honor Society, next Thursday, October 28th from 12:30-4:30 PM.
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Blood Drive
Applications to join ND's Class of 2026 are due November 30th. Don't forget to also mark ND as your first choice on the Archdiocese Intent Form due November 15th. Click the "Apply" tab under the "Admissions" section. Want one more look at the life of an ND student? Schedule a tour for our Open House on November 7th at
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Apply to ND
During the month of October, Notre Dame is having new Clear Touch Panels installed! These interactive panels are 86" and include advanced software that will help our teachers further engage our students in the classroom.
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
New Touch Boards
Why do ND students like our modular schedule? “I like that I am able to balance my day. I use my open time to get homework done, but I can take moments to connect with friends. The modular schedule allows us to work and have fun throughout the day!" — Perpetua Ciin '22
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Perpetua Ciin
Today, a student-led committee hosted a Quinceañera Fashion Show and Q&A session about the event's tradition in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. Thank you to all the students that shared their culture with their fellow classmates and helped us celebrate Hispanic heritage this month at ND.
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Hispanic Heritage
Congratulations to Sarah Appelbaum ‘22 who qualified for class 2 STATE golf as an individual! She will be competing this coming Monday and Tuesday. Good luck, Sarah!🏌️‍♀️
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Appelbaum Golf
Confident. Compassionate. Christian. Leaders. #InternationalDayOfTheGirl
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Day of the Girl
It was a GREAT day to be a Rebel! On Friday, we welcomed 6th, 7th and 8th visitors to ND for our shadow experience, Rebel For A Day. We hope everyone had fun exploring the possibilities Notre Dame has to offer and seeing the spirited sisterhood that awaits them here!
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Rebel Day 3
Rebel Day 2
Rebel Day 1
Rebel Day 4
Our Annual Fall Festival is only 10 DAYS AWAY! 💙❤️💛💚 Let's celebrate with some throwback pictures from Notre Dame's most favorite time of the year. Please plan on joining us Sunday, October 10th.
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Registration for our event, Trivia & Treat, is open! 🎃 All 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls are invited to join us on Friday, October 29th from 7-9PM for an evening of trivia 💭 and treats. 🍭 Costumes are encouraged! Space is limited. Visit to reserve your spot!
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
trivia and treat
Why do ND students like our modular schedule? “I like that I am able to do homework for classes that I have a bit more of a challenge with during my open mods. I can go to those teachers if I have questions or need extra help. The modular schedule is great because it gives me time to organize and reflect on my day.” — Lucy Rohatgi ‘23
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Lucy Rohatgi
On Friday, Notre Dame celebrated our National Honor Society inductees. Congratulations to all the new members who represent outstanding scholarship, service, leadership and character in our school community.
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
One of our favorite things about fall at ND? 🍂 Seeing future rebels experience a day in the life and learn about all the amazing opportunities that await them here! 💙 Shadow visits are available for eighth grade girls Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Interested families are also invited to one of our remaining In-Person High School Nights — October 6, November 16 and December 2.
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Visit opportunities
Congrats to Aislin Thode ‘22 and Emily Howard ‘22 who won first place in doubles in the AAA tennis tournament over the weekend!
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
AAA tennis
Class Names ✔️ Cheerleaders ✔️ CMs and Favorites ✔️ Fall Festival season is officially underway! Students, it's time to sell those raffle tickets and crown your queen 👑
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
FF favorites
FF cheerleaders
Yesterday, Notre Dame raised over $1000 for those in need. Seniors and Sophomores worked together to collect funds for Afghanistan refugees settling in St. Louis. Juniors and Freshmen worked together to collect funds for earthquake victims in Haiti. A student-led presentation about both devastating situations was held during Activity Period. Idele Durandisse '23, a Haiti refugee herself, shared testimony and pictures from a family member that still lives in Haiti. Tiearra Terry '22 further explained the struggles Afghan refugees are facing and how the International Institute in St. Louis is helping.
over 3 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Rescue Rebels 1
Rescue Rebels 2