YOU have the opportunity to give HER the tools to transform the world tomorrow, May 6th. Notre Dame prepares our young women to LEAD with confidence and compassion in our ever-changing world through STEAM curricula, cultivating abilities that transfer to any industry. Visit to support our mission now!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Science Old
Math New
Math Old
Science New
Only a few more #SummerCampSaturdays left! This week, we are highlighting a couple of camps perfect for the creative camper — Ceramics Camp & Craft Camp. Both will allow campers to express their artistic side with different hands-on projects. Register NOW for any of the enrichment and athletic camp options we have to offer on our website!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Ceramics and Craft
Last week, we celebrated #CollegeDecisionDay with our seniors! They have worked so hard on their future college plans. We can't wait to see the amazing things they will accomplish!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
College Decision 2
College Decision 3
College Decision 1
Give STL Day is only ONE week away! Visit to see how YOU can make the next generation of ND women leaders in science, technology, engineering, art and math on Thursday, May 6th. Early donation is open NOW!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Give STL Day Date
Our annual Spring Concert & Art Show is this Sunday, May 2! The Art Show will be open for in-person viewing from 5:00-6:30PM in Romana Hall. Admission is free; a limited number of visitors will be allowed in the building at a time. The Spring Concert will begin at 7:00PM in the ND Gym. Two (2) in-person tickets for family of those in the show are available for pick-up. All other friends, family, alum, etc. are invited to purchase a livestream ticket online at
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Spring Concert Art Show
On April 27th, we recognized students who have demonstrated success rooted in mission this school year during our annual ND Excellence Award Ceremony. Congratulations to all the recipients on your commitment to excellence! Be sure to check out our Instagram highlight "ND Ex 20/21" to see all the honorees.
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
ND Awards
This week’s wacky weather really had us wishing it was time for summer camps! Check out these two NEW enrichment camp options we have this year — Aerospace Engineering and Outdoor Adventures. In Aerospace Engineering, campers will build their own drone to take home! 🛸 In Outdoor Adventures, campers will hike, read compasses, geocache and more! 🧭 Register TODAY! #summercampsaturday
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Aerospace and Outdoor
It is hard to believe that the Class of 2021 is only a month away from graduation! 🎓 Check out where our seniors have been accepted — we can’t wait to celebrate their future plans on College Decision Day next week!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Accepted Board
Three seniors and eight juniors were inducted into the Notre Dame chapter of Quill & Scroll, a society that acknowledges students with high academic achievement and dedication to print journalism for two or more years. Congratulations to all the new members!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
quill and scroll
Notre Dame High School celebrated All School Mass with Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski! He reminded us to bring the presence of Jesus to others through service...doing real, everyday acts are what makes a difference in people's lives. We are so thankful and honored to have had the opportunity to worship with Archbishop together!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Rozanski 3
Rozanski 4
Rozanski 1
Rozanski 2
Join Mr. Brosch, ND’s STEM Coordinator extraordinaire, for either (or both) Esports 🎮 or Digital Arts 🖌 this summer! Each camp has a session for grade school and high school ages available. Head over to our website NOW to register for any of the enrichment and athletic camp options we have to offer!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
esports & digital arts
Did you know April is National Poetry Month? #Throwback to Mrs. Dunn's World Literature class who took advantage of the beautiful weather we have been having to write Haiku and Tanka poems — forms of Japanese poetry — outside earlier this month!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Poems 1
Poem 2
Congratulations to the cast and crew of The Crimson House Murder! Each performance was full of laughter and suspense. Your hard work and talent were evident! Thank you to everyone who supported our performing arts students with your ticket purchase. We can’t wait for the next ND production!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Crimson House 1
Crimson House 3
Crimson House 4
Crimson House 2
This #SummerCampSaturday is highlighting our two performing arts enrichment camp options — Show Choir 💃 and Theater Arts 🎭. Campers will get a glimpse into ND’s performing arts program while learning various techniques. Registration is available on our website!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Theater Camp
Our Easter season joy continued today with an egg hunt on our beautiful campus! Campus Ministry invited students to make a donation to hunt for the eggs. The donations were collected in support of The Covering House, a shelter for victims of human trafficking. Shoutout to one of our shadow visitors who found the golden egg with a special prize in it!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Egg Hunt 4
Egg Hunt 1
Egg Hunt 3
Egg Hunt 2
We took advantage of the beautiful weather this week and held Stations of the Cross for each class outside of the motherhouse. Thank you Campus Ministry for coordinating this devotion opportunity for our students so they could reflect and pray together. #goodfriday #stationsofthecross
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Good Friday 1
Good Friday 4
Good Friday 3
Good Friday 2
Good luck to our students participating in testing today! The freshmen and sophomores are taking the PreACT while the juniors are taking the ACT. We are happy that we can provide the opportunity to test in a familiar environment to our students! #goodluck #act #yougotthis
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
good luck
Our cast and crew are hard at work preparing for the spring play, The Crimson House Murder — a funny whodunit murder mystery. Tickets for our LIVESTREAM performances on April 9, 10 & 11 are on sale now! Visit to buy your tickets.
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
Crimson House
Since Tuesday is Testing Day at ND, this weekend we are featuring the ACT Prep and Jumpstart Bootcamps! ACT Prep is open to all rising sophomore, junior and senior ND students. It will familiarize them with the ACT format and recommended strategies. Jumpstart is open to all ND incoming freshmen. It is led by our learning consultant and will focus on important high school study skills. Registration is open now!
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
ACT Jump Camps
Congratulations to Notre Dame's varsity soccer team who battled the pouring rain to win the Fox Invitational Championship 2-1 in double overtime! Check out the write-up about last night's win here: What an exciting game to end an exciting tournament! 👏💙⚽️
almost 4 years ago, Notre Dame High School
soccer 2
soccer 1